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Data Analytics and AI Work Well Together

Data Analytics and AI Work Well Together

Making decisions is a big part of running a business, but relying solely on gut feelings can sometimes backfire. Back-end analysis allows business owners to gain insights they might not have considered. This can lead to more money through better sales, customer relationships, and efficiency. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how AI enhances business intelligence.

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Use Google Sheets for Easier Table Management

Use Google Sheets for Easier Table Management

Everyone should soon have access to a very handy feature in Google Sheets that helps close the gap between Sheets and its rival software, Microsoft Excel.

This feature? Simple table conversions, complete with advanced organization features.

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Explaining How Opportunity Cost is Not Synonymous with Value

Explaining How Opportunity Cost is Not Synonymous with Value

Sometimes, in business, you will hear about the opportunity cost of a decision. You may not be familiar with this concept that involves the investments you make in your organization's technology. In today’s article, we will discuss the opportunity cost of technology and why that cost may not be one you should be unwilling to take on. 

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How to Install APK Files, and Why You Might Not Want To

How to Install APK Files, and Why You Might Not Want To

When you download a program or application to your computer, you must install it through its operating system. The same is true for your Android smartphone, but the file names are a bit different, and the process is a little more convoluted… and for good reason. Today, we want to walk you through how APK files work and why it might not be a good idea to install them on your device in the traditional sense.

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The New Year is a Great Time to Audit Your Software

The New Year is a Great Time to Audit Your Software

The end of the year is always a great time to look back on the past and look forward to the future and what it might look like. One way you can do this is by looking to cut out some of the clutter within your organization’s network by examining how often your applications are used and which services you are subscribed to.

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